Its the End of the year..and TIMES mag bas published a new set of list for 2008....
much of it is about Obama.... but heres a few interesting ones..
Top 10 medical breakthrough...
3. scarless surgery...they managed to remove an inflamed appendix thru a patients vagina!!
my wild imagination envisions a day when we can do breast surgery thru the bout liver transplant thru the nose? makes sense??
7. Gene screen for breast cancer.. they can map ur gene to know whether u respond to Herceptin..
truth is...Herceptin cost RM10000 a month in HKL. if breast cancer dun kill u..Herceptin can do the job.
Top 10 words of 2008
1. CHANGE!!!! i wish i could la.... im getting lazy at the peak of stress
Top 10 movies
9. speed racer...what??!!! u mean the wan where Rain tried to speak English?? the wan where all u can see is dizzing lights?? might as well give KL Drift.
8. Iron man.. aka the man who can recover from cardiac arrest by putting a battery into his chest...
Top 10 scandal
8. Max Mosleys sex romp
the F1 boss was caught whipping 5 whores Nazi style!! and u wonder how they caught Chua Soi Lek..
10. the olympics 9 year old lip syncher..
when u train kids at that age to cheat... ull get a whole generation of ppl who export melamine
and now..presenting the top 10 IMU C107 words 1. Datuk/Ah means the same. Now..sometimes it includes 仙..2. Ward rounds3. MEQ/ exams4. Die lo...( dedicated to Beh)5. On call la...6. Dato Kanda/Siva 7. P. Knowlesi 8. Rubbish!9. Clown!!10. Hello!!and the top quotes of the year...1. u can ventilate a person through the ass...just pass a tube in and give a good blow job.2. suck please...3. no spoonfeeding here4. when theres a hole, theres a way in5. do not ventilate dead personfeel free to add in