Isnt it wierd that all those who support abortion are born? all those who support slavery are free?? thats how oppresion works!! i had another big discussion with wah ko tonight (
below was the 1st wan..
that guy really got issues with God) ..but then i still remember a time when i was called sexist when i said im against abortion. then after that im called a jesus freak. so i guess this is another topic worth putting in..
consider it... we oppose killing humans but agree to killing the very thing that transforms us into humans. a human is only human if we consider them as humans rite?? we can choose to kill a fetus because its just a blob of tissue.. look at the pic!! thats a fetus 3 weeks old!! most ppl dunno theyre pregnant till theyre 1 month old! does that look like just a blob of tissue? try to find out how doctors perform abortion. basically..they gotta rip the fetus apart and suck it out.. seems very kind rite? how bout saline abortion where they put solutions to burn the fetus' skin so that theres no more attachment.. and the fetus can come out dead...
suprisingly...most of my batchmates agree on it.. u know what wah ko said? ' can earn a lot leh'.. y not earn by healing ppl?? cmon ppl.. thats not what we are called to do..a fetus certainly merits life..and must be given respect like one. 'Thou shall not kill'. this must include the unborn too.
p.s. kim wah.. i really hope that one day u'll find God..
that could be u in the pic)