Thursday, September 13, 2007
what comes into your mind when think of psychiatry ward? crazy ppl? madness? scary ppl? hearing voices, seeing things? scolding ppl without reason??

while they all true to some extent... most of the ppl there are almost normal!!! as ive found out after 2 weeks in Seremban Psychiatric Unit... u need to be quite sane there to answer literally hundreds of questions...have ppl test ur mental state again and again, having to answer dumc questions day after day..and locked...yes.LOCKED like prisoners inside a big cell...were all psy ppl get not to get a bit kookoo??

some interesting things to share..things that i hear in psy ward
1. Saya pinjam duit RM500 dari Puteri XXX, anak kaum kerabat Raja Majapahit.
2. i feel very empty soul is taken away by a motorcyclist!! he took and ATE my soul...the rest he put in his pocket!.( i start think about the new meaning of Chicken soup for the Soul)
3. Doktor..saya bukan tak siuman punya orang... saya pandai.. saya PRESIDENT CHINA!
4. i see your mother..right there..shes is a Malay rite??( ahem...Wrong..)

according to seniors.. when the moon comes out... they will behave differently and start boxing, stripping, shouting.. what? werewolves? i really gotta on call at night more...!
On a lighter note...we just had a K session with them..actually... i dunno any of those oldie Malay songs.. and even played some games were u blow the flour and get the sweets below it...of cos..they blow until whole face also white.. and chased some nurses with the fun!!! oh ya..being psy, u no need to puasa..hows that?
posted by Ernest at 11:55 PM |