Monday, February 25, 2008
I tot its gonna be another boring day and myself watching the Oscars..until Jee called and suggested something totally new to me.... apparently, the sem 9 folks decided to celebrate them passing the exams by shooting each other...literally!! and thus.. PAIN(T) BALL!!!!!

these AINT TOYS!!! theres a high pressure canister below, its damn heavy, and it fire shots at 250 feet per second!! and the bullets are engineered to explode when it hit u!! And to run, crawl and hide in this maze of obstacles isnt easy either!! leaves u breathless after just 10 now its painful + tiring... so just imagine hiding behind one of those..and ur enemy spotted you..and theres bullets flying left and right of u..and the sheild keep getting shot at..your adrenaline rushes to the max..but ur not sure whether to run or continue hiding till judgement day comes...and you decide to do a mad dash out....and the cycle continues...the prey and the predator.....and vice versa..haha

now...getting shot inthe face in actually a good thing!! u got a bullet proof protection always...but getting shot in other places defines the name of the game....PAIN!!! mind numbing PAIN!!... the picture says it all....

After everything....would we come back again?? u bet!!!!
posted by Ernest at 5:35 AM |


At 6:21 AM, Blogger Josephine

lols.. not without those suits american footballers wear!


At 7:24 AM, Blogger Michelle Mak

la i lurve it!!!
y la u so bad didnt bring me...


At 12:15 AM, Blogger Ching Mun

What a fun! It wouldn't be as real without pain. Haha.. Anyways, have fun in India!


At 6:39 AM, Blogger Ernest

hey mich.. ull lurve it when u get shot!!
ching mun...have fun in KK too!!