Tuesday, March 28, 2006
i just found out i got a chronic, worsening, and potentially fatal disease.. the losing ticket symdrome. it relapses about once a year... and it just did again!!
i remember the 1st time was just 2 years back...when i lost my parking ticket in citrus park..then went back the restaurant and got it back.... 2nd time..play pool with kent in pearl point..lost it again..went back and found it.. 3rd time...(the worst one) lost the MOVIE ticket in burger king.. but then dunno how the kind janitor found it in the dustbin..filthy!!.. and not to mention super embarrasing#$%^&!! in front of Yoke Sin... she made sure that everyone knows about the incident after that...
today..went to MV... crap!! lost the parking ticket again..was with my parents.. but then.. it could only happen when i was in the changing room... so i went there in a flash..and u know what?? some kind soul found it and placed it on top of the mirror!! u see the similarity of all the incidences? i ALWAYS get it back!! i wonder how many more lucky chances i can get. everytime it happens.. i tell myself that it would NEVER happen again!!... but crap..it does!..and i hope it doesnt to progress more than just tickets!!
posted by Ernest at 7:18 AM |


At 8:13 AM, Blogger SubaG

heyaa Ernest!! one bitten, twice shy!! How many more time are you going to loose tickets??!! i'm surprised got so many kind souls in Malaysia already to keep giving you back the tickets! now dat you know you loose tickets, put in your wallet or something like dat isn't it! Aduh Aduh...


At 9:54 AM, Blogger Star☆

Wahh.. so nice?? Everytime also can get back the tickets??? Real lucky la yuu.. tsk tsk..

Where do yuu usually keep yur ticket oh? Just like subag, I would like go suggest yuu to keep it in yur wallet also. Since yuu will be paying the parking fee, just keep in the wallet. Unless yuu lose it as well then .............. ^^;;;;;;