Sunday, February 11, 2007
The beach

Situated at Luak bay, the area for the tycoons and the politicians. the largest timber tycoon took a part of the beach, and practically the whole hill!!!house of the timber tycoon..the whole thing..when am i gonna stay in this type of house?

Sunset at Luak Bay...and more poser shots at the beach...

The Croc Farm

Miri croc farm is like a mini zoo..with croc, bats, monkeys, ducks, deer....

killer monkey!! its actually a macaque. wanna take a tourist pic with it..back facing the fella..and then..CL: AAAH ERNEST!!!! (Vee Han and Joanne ran 2 steps away...) and all i managed to do is duck a bit.. felt a tug on my shirt..thats seems like wat happen is that fella stuck his hand out of the cage and swung over to scratch me..good job Chia ling...if not i might go home with a BIG SCAR oh no no...

lessons leant: never get to close to monkeys...these 2 fellas followed behind us for half the time..

posted by Ernest at 8:57 PM |