Friday, March 02, 2007
after 2 months of holidaying, shopping, partying, sleeping, lazing....its time to go back to reality... studying, studying...and hopefully some fun in between. so... its off to seremban tomolo!! until i get my line there...blogs will onli be updated whenever im home and free...enjoy ppl!!

the house shift is a really a blessing in dusguise... becos of the load to bring... we saw it as a chance to get rid of some old furnitures and get new goes a set of 23 year old rotan sofa...still good..but kinda old fashioned and joints jutting out.. a 10+ year old dining set without matching chairs..and old,odd utensils...anyone wanna give away old washing machines or fridges?? call me!!! many many many thanks to my dad for spending so much time and money getting stuff for me..!!
posted by Ernest at 1:19 AM |