Friday, June 15, 2007
Time Flies again.. and i think Time is somehow sitting on a supersonic jet or something. but at least..i got a slight breather now..

Internal Medicine...finished..

Family medicine aka Fun Med... Finished :(

Coming Up... SURGERY!! I wanna Cut..Cut..CUT!!

This was how my fam med went...
1st part..interview was okok la...managed to get the diagnosis. but the short was a patient who got chronic joint pain in the hands..

me: On inspection...(ok..whats wrong...looks normal...?? swelling?? wasting?? deformities.??)
Dr Loh: look properly for inspections la...
me: swelling on the PIP, MCP joint....
Dr Loh: Look for deformities la....
Me:.........( down.. turn hands around.. turn hands back. turn hands sideways.. look look..cant see anything..start to sweat..)
Dr Loh: deformities got names wan la.. wat is it??!!
Me: ooh. ulnar deviation...(i think one of the fingers looks crooked...)
Dr Loh: (shakes head.... angry/ dissapointed look..) 5 minutes up...
Me: thank you.. :(((

later i found out that he got rheumatoid arthritis!! what??!!! there are 10 ppl in the ward with hands looking like this...
instead..Dr choose a patient who got hands looking almost like this!

and in the briefing.. he said he got Gross Deformities!! am i blind? or is my clinical skills that lousy? either way... there goes my exam la..
I just want a pass....thats all...God help me pass....

Better days in Surgery...
posted by Ernest at 1:22 AM |