Friday, November 02, 2007
when we were in psychiatry ward, we heard of stories of patients getting high on glue...specifically, Dunlop contact glue... 'lepas hidu macam boleh terbang.....' 'lain-lain tak boleh..misti mau DUnlop punya' etc etc... of cos..i think its a better vice compared to heroin and the heavy stuff...but doesnt it make u wonder...glue??

so..when jee's shoe soles came off...theres only 1 thing left to do....when we went to a shop nearby, the shopkeeper said..'sudah habis...budak budak sudah beli' so its true!! either the budak budaks all have hundreds of shoes to patch, or..most likely..they actually sniff it!!! even with the flammable and toxic warning...
of cos...displaying it on publicly on the dinner table.... pseudosniffing it... makes quite a scene... but when the real test came... shoes stuck well... and after 3 light sniffs...none of us got high... it myth busted?? anyone wanna try? still got plenty in the can..

btw..theres amphetamine ingredients in that....wicked...
posted by Ernest at 5:35 AM |


At 11:28 PM, Blogger Josephine

omg.. so wrong!! gonna whack jee when i get back