Friday, April 14, 2006

finally finished my endocrine exams today.. although its really tricky and and the questions are not clear cut.. but i think its still passable la.. thanks to all those who wished me luck and prayed for me.

but theres a more important meaning to this day..cos its Good Friday. the anniversary that commemorates Jesus' crucifixion on the cross. the day that our Lord died for our sins..the crucifixion is no doubt the most tortuous and agonizing way to die..being scorn, shamed, beaten and His hands pierced... but God wilingly chose this path for our sake.
it always strikes come this day is called 'good'? since when a death is commemorated as good? i personally think...this tragedy brought us the greatest good there could be! it reminds us that no trouble or problems.. not even greater than God's love and grace for us. that i believe is the Christian hope...
but death is not the end.. Easter day is just 2 days away.. and ill continue the true meaning of Christianity then...
posted by Ernest at 2:50 AM |


At 4:04 PM, Blogger SubaG

Hey Ernest!! Good to hear about your exams! of course you will pass it! i have a lot of faith in you!!

The pictures were taken from Passion of Christ wasn't it? that was such a beautiful movie. i was crying during that!

I thught i would like to share my thoughts from a non christian point of view you can say... i think dat day really shows us God's powers and gives us hope. It shows that no matter what the world around us does, at the end of the day we will always have God to protect us, look out for us. We should have faith in whatever we believe in.

I hope you get what i mean and i hope i didn't offend anyone! Happy Easter Ernest! :)


At 4:32 AM, Blogger Ernest

thanks for your support..yeah...the pics were from the passion..
i totally agree on what u say.. and totally no offence taken.. really hope to hear from u more..

easter was great..
take care!!