Saturday, April 22, 2006
Many of us are still influenced by old time Mr bean movies that portray pastors as some old boring gits..i guess by now that has oledi become the past and the 'model' pastors today is ppl like Matt Fielder or Henry Seeley from Planet Shakers. today was the 1st time i had supper with my pastors..Ps Daniel and Ps Lee...and ive busted more myths about them.

Myth: pastors are outdated
Fact: they talk things like fashion, music, and Ipods..

Myth: pastors are too busy to do things other than church related stuff
Fact: they use MSN, frenster(Ps Lee got more frens than me) and he even BLOGGED earlier than me!

Myth: pastors dun watch sports
Fact: Ps Daniel didn speak much in the supper...cos his eyes were fixed on the football on tv!!reacting to every kick of the ball.

Myth: pastors gotta learn to eat anything
Fact: theres a thousand things they dun eat

Myth: they dun stay up late
Fact: They hardly sleep early

Myth: they are all rounded.. no flaws.. dun need anything..all depending on God
Fact: Christians.. please back up ur pastor. They are lonely at times, stressed most of the time, and they need support as much as anyone. they are just humans too... called by God to tend to His flock.
posted by Ernest at 7:50 AM |


At 8:47 AM, Blogger SubaG

hey ernest! How are you? Wel i thought i can add something i read. now i cannot remmember where i read this. i don't want to offend you or anyone!

I read that the pope has got an iPod as well! They are even trying to get i think the gospels and other songs onto MP3 format to listem to it!!


At 3:25 AM, Blogger Ernest

im fine here.. well..thing have certainly changed isnt it? everybody dun wanna get left out..