Thursday, May 04, 2006
nth much happening in the hospital today.. Dr Sevu draaaggged the session until 4 30..Zzzz..

So.. y not go visit the waterfall?? superb!! Darren drove us there.. on the way... beautiful scenes of the dam(dunno what name).. just as the sun sets... heres some pics..

the best is still yet to come!! OMG.. the waterfall was stunning!! strong currents..(water a bit murly though).. nice forest.. and the river was soo cooling.. John got a rope so the gals could cross to the other side.. just reminds me of my white water rafting trip last year( that was better actually..)

So..i guess KKB isnt always about hospitals and hostels and XO chicken with champagne pork at restoran 98.(the english is nine thy eight restaurant!..haha.) its always nice to chill out there.. far from the cities....its so nice to go KKB without any STRESS!! so much to much to learn.
posted by Ernest at 8:00 AM |


At 6:27 AM, Blogger Elynn

OMG Ernest! You getting thinner and thinner. What happen to you? Not feeding yourself well is it? Get a gf to feed you well. Hahaha....should I say get a gf to nag at you make sure you eat well? Hahaha...


At 7:31 AM, Blogger Ernest

sure a not...if everyime like that i think one day ill dissappear la..haha. its hard to get a thinner gf now..