Monday, July 14, 2008
read this aloud...

Ahphthalmalagy posting is new and fun... not wonly its a tatahly new subject, it also helps u understand ather diseases the saying goes...the aiye is the window to the body...yend yif you aiyes are good, your whole body will be full of light...

amang the new things we've learnt... it is not ur fault if ur short sighted... u know...some af us always get blamed for looking at computer too much, reading too near, in fact...theres nth much we can do about it...if u got it..then too bad la...and now...try playing more computer and see whether it becomes better??

which reminds me... my eyesight it getting bad too!! and i dun want glasses!! can u imagine me looking like this??!

looks like some animation character....eewww
posted by Ernest at 4:32 AM |


At 7:15 AM, Blogger Ching Mun

I did laugh, at your animated picture! Looking okay what... Haha!


At 8:37 AM, Blogger nsw2012

wtf???!!!?!? not bad not bad haha.


At 8:38 AM, Blogger 3R1N

erm...look like harry potter on the children version book cover..(first n second book)..


At 9:44 AM, Blogger Ernest

cm..look ok?? u see got ppl say like harry potter...and i never liked happy potter!!
but ok or not..kinda inevitable oledi la..


At 10:18 AM, Blogger Kiwi-Bird

Wow, nice picture!!! wahahaha, couldn't wait to see that la!!


At 3:44 AM, Blogger Ernest

i wont happen in the near future...tats for shoor..