Sunday, May 07, 2006
patient's info if confidential.. but this story i really wanna share. its about a little handsome cute boy.. just 4 months old..born without a right hand.. found in a garden nearby and brought to the hospital, suffering badly from pneumonia and fever. every breath of him takes effort... and hes still struggling with fever. however.. he still smiles to us.. still trying his best to stay alive even at harsh conditions.. it really makes u could anyone be so cruel? the baby did no wrong..hes just special...
at night.. its BBQ time!! jon and ash made 'well done' burgers to go with bread... theres also tons of sausages..jellies..drinks...(even alcohol-containing wans).. laugh until neighbours all complain..haha..what sweet memories of KKB...and ill leave u guys with the pics...they speak a thousand words..

posted by Ernest at 7:31 AM |


At 4:34 PM, Blogger SubaG

Hey Ernest, what is going to happen to the baby after it is out of hospital? i mean, does he go to the orphanage o something? poor thing but by the sound of it, i think the baby is going grow up with a lot of determination!!

You're trip sounds very educational yet exciting and nice and fun and peaceful and fun and enjoyable!! basically rojak --> a little bit fo everything!

Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself!!


At 7:39 PM, Blogger Ernest

gonna go to some government charity organisation after he recover la.. but im really not sure..
yeah..i really wanna make the most out of this trip..and im glad i did