Sunday, May 07, 2006

IMU Christian Fellowship Camp Rocks!.. 1st of all..MBS Rawang is awesome..swimming pool, indoor courts, rock climbing...u name it..they got the facilities.. and the dorms have air con...Surprise no 1: took my name tag..and its spells EARNEST..what la(reminds me of my bday a few years back.. my name was spelt like that on the CAKE!!..ppl...pls..its ernest).. Surprise no 2: opened the booklet.. group..X-treme!! cool name.. group leader..ME??!!!but i only decided to join a few days ago!! how can this be??!!! dun even know much ppl there... Help me God.. Surprise no 3: my group consist of the President(christine), worship team leaders(jeremy, fabian, ee leen).. CG leaders.. junior preacher(matt)..and of course seniors(cindy, matt).. now this is what i call A BIG CHALLENGE.. but in the was all GREAT... and we really shared sincerely, worked as a team.. and stayed enthusiatic throughout. really a wonderful experience for me.. and i really learn so so much from this camp.. so.. in summary.. 10 things i learned on CF camp..

1. I'm a D type personanity... dun play play..
2. Humans can survive with 5 hours of sleep a day for 3 days.
3. No need to be stressed bout preparing sketches.. the best sketch occurs spontaneously.
4. God could use ANYONE to carry out His work.. and often uses the weak to change the strong
5. Dream BIG... cos God's plan is often greater than what we can imagine
6. Plan ur decisions NOW.. cos when temptations come.. we won't have time to decide
7. Its always worth mending broken relationships.
8. Exhuberant Worship =/= Energetic Singing...cos LIFE itself is a worship
9. God always gives EXTRA GRACE to those who serve Him more
10. Y are we still Worrying today? Don't we know God already hold the future?? just do the best..leave the rest to God..
posted by Ernest at 8:11 AM |


At 4:56 PM, Blogger SubaG

Hey, i used to think your name was spelt as earnest as well until one of the days when we had a discussion about your name in PM10.. thats when i found out your real spelling and haven't forgotten it!!

Wow, team leader hey? i am sure that must have been quite an experience! you're a good leader anyways from seeing your skills at b'days and the presentation we had to do for biology in Ms.Koh's class! it involved, milk, plasticine and balloons!! that was a classic i tell you!!

Seemed like you had a good camp cuz i am really interested in the summary you have put on the camp! Its true dat we have to dream big! sometimes we underestimate our potential and we only realise it when we achieve it!!

Looking forward to more posts!! :)


At 7:41 PM, Blogger Ernest

u all had a discussion bout my name? what?? it isnt that hard rite?
the 'model' is done by Brian!!! i just got the idea onli
and this camp really was nice..