Saturday, July 26, 2008
After 2 weeks in the AnE... i concluded that apart from the night duties tat doctors had to go through...its actually quite relaxing!! where else u see ppl doing this....and times where theres no patients... they even switch off the lights.. and it looks like the department is actually closed!! remember the rushing scenes from House, ER and all the medical dramas?? well...the dramatic part can be true...but not the rushing part la...when i was asked to get the portable X ray for a patient in red zone... the technician said..bagi tau doktor..mau tunggu sikit..1 jam la.... red zone?? satu jam?? yalah...sibuk much for the red zone excitement..

as for the dramas....well..u get pt coming after snake bites..but a labi labi that took out half a finger? tats some kinda bite... and how bout an accident involving babi hutan..on the highway?? and foot getting crushed by the elevator?? or even a 5 year old kid weighing 5 kg coming in brain dead??

apart from tat, it always amazes me when i see the ways ppl use when they try to kill themselves.. just dun work.. taking panadols/ clorox/ u name it...mostly doing it for love!! if u really wanna do it....try taking a knife..palpate ur carotid pulse and stab right in.. guaranteed u wont need to be brought in the AnE at all!

moral of the story...theres no problem worse than death... and if God already conquered death..there is no more problem tat cant be settled... so never take the easy way out... unless ur really sure where ur heading too....
posted by Ernest at 1:45 AM |