Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Warning: very very lame!!!

We found out the secret lab where mutants DNA is made... right in the 2nd floor of the specialist clinic... where ppl can get their skin color changed by injection, laser and just by standing and doing nth...stading inside...a bunch of UV rays changes the person....slowly....slowly......
can u see it??? can u feel it??...
here...we have succesfully made cyclops!! beware!!!

Jokes aside...i still cant get my head around the dermatology diseases....theyre grouped together, hard to differentiate... always hard to pronounce, have 10 differentials for a disease, yet heals miraculously just with some steroids...Hooray!!

posted by Ernest at 3:18 AM |


At 7:24 AM, Blogger FengY

luckily you gave a warning before hand.. if not it is so lame i will beat u to a pulp and try to insert an ETT which I will fail and resort to doing a tracheostomy :D


At 1:42 AM, Blogger Terror From The Deep

really very very lame......